Solutions - Web
Sabertooth Technologies Group
Sabertooth Hybrid Web App Development for the Modern Web

Whether their goals are to shorten development cycles or simply reach as many users on as many devices as possible, more companies are relying on the web as a platform for deploying their most visible and mission-critical applications. Sabertooth's web application development team has a deep and broad understanding of the newest and best tools to help you deliver first-class web experiences to your users.

Sabertooth's team of professional designers, programmers, and Online marketing experts understand that every website has a strategy and unique goal to its company's overall mission. Our web development practices combine compelling visuals, proven usability standards, and leading technologies to attract and engage your audience, communicate your message, and entice your target market to take action.

Our vast experience and past projects have included every Online presence imaginable, including marketing websites, entertainment sites, e-Commerce platforms, B2B, B2C, corporate Intranets, content portals, SaaS, as well as full-blown, ground-breaking enterprise solutions. We build engaging, brand building, revenue-generating websites that are flexible, scalable, and developed with your business objectives in mind.
hybrid website
Development with an eye on the future

The modern web is not just for static websites and content consumption. It’s the future of open, flexible, and immediately accessible runtime applications, a hybrid via mobile and desktop browsers. Modern web applications use architectures that make them more like their native app counterparts on iOS and Android than apps of the web using old school methods. Business logic, instead of living on the server, now resides primarily in the browser. This change results in:

  • Reuse of back-end systems and APIs across native and web platforms
  • Faster development timelines
  • Reductions in build and maintenance costs
  • Increased flexibility
  • Advanced user experiences (UX)

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All-in-one Solutions

We unite all applications, document repositories and data storages into one information system with a permission-based single access point.

Tailored Functionality
We implement both best-practice portal tools and custom modules for effective collaboration of employees, customers and partners that ensure efficient daily operations of all company divisions.

Enterprise Security
We discuss portal security policy at the very first stage of portal development project to prevent internal and external threats and protect valuable and sensitive data.

Open Architecture
We leverage our extensive portal development expertise coupled with deep domain and technology skills to deliver the most open portal architecture to enable easy integration of various solutions and tools.

Responsive Design

Contact Sabertooth today to learn more about how we can digitally transform your business to give you that competitive edge.

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